Offa’s Dyke Association Outreach

Welcome to this Offa’s Dyke Association WordPress site dedicated to Outreach.

Generically this site is dedicated to our Outreach for schools, clubs and groups, etc. however we also carry out outreach to local groups and clubs as well as local communities if necessary with resources and talks including oral histories, local photography and “History Pins”, stories, anecdotes, history, heritage and guidance on how folks can monitor and protect Offa’s Dyke and Wat’s Dyke all of which feeds into projects in and around the Offa’s Dyke Association and Centre.
These include the Offa’s Dyke Collaboratory (with the incredible Prof. Howard Williams), CoSMM (Community Stewardship of Mercian Monuments thanks to the Offa’s Dyke YAC leaders) and liaising strongly with local community groups, Universities, and our colleagues in Offa’s Dyke Association North and Offa’s Dyke Association South.

With this, we are also co-founders of the Offa’s Dyke YAC (Young Archaeologists Club) which meets (aside from Covid-19) at the Offa’s Dyke Centre, Powys, Knighton, once a month.
For more information please just contact us …

Tel: 01547 528753
Email: (Ian Mackey)

Post: Information Officer
Offa’s Dyke Association
West Street
Powys. LD7 1EN.


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