A wiggle in Offa’s Dyke

There’s a disruption in the force …” or is it “a wiggle in Offa’s Dyke“?

We visited a section of Offa’s Dyke in Herefordshire where we are going to invite schools in the area and the YAC to maybe help out clear part of the Dyke as well as measure it, draw it, photograph it and clean it!

This is a link to our click to see the walking trip from the Kington Golf Club (thank you for a lovely lunch snack at the cafe too folks) to the section of the Dyke that wiggles.

About halfway down this map is Kington where Offa’s Dyke takes a detour …why was that do you think?
The path of Offa’s Dyke with Kington just about central

An aerial view of the Dyke clearly visible in the landscape. You can see the ‘wiggle’ so why there? Was it a mistake by the builders?
Note the path leaves the Dyke to toddle off down to Knighton.

Offa’s Dyke and path at Kington
Offa’s Dyke kink at Kington (,

Did the builders make a mistake?

This seems highly unlikely as the Saxons were very good at building dykes – they had done it for a long time and lets face it the whole of Offa’s Dyke is 170km or so so surely they would not make a silly mistake like this?

At this point, Offa’s Dyke is almost at the top of the hill. Is that a clue?
Note the Offa’s Dyke Path turns off to go to Kington …well it is a lovely place to visit isn’t it.

Click on the images below to see more of what we saw there. There is a lot of bracken and gorse so bring gloves but in the meantime …what do you think about the kink?


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