About us …

The Offa’s Dyke Association is based in Knighton, Powys at the Offa’s Dyke Centre.
As Outreach officer, I provide resources for communities, groups, schools and clubs (particularly YAC) that offers an insight into the Offa’s Dyke Association, Offa’s and Wat’s Dykes, the communities & physical landscapes formed and changed by these Mercian Monuments by meeting and talking to youngsters and sharing things that provoke thought and conversation in these inquisitive minds.

Here is a little more about me (Ian Mackey)

Contact me via the Offa’s Dyke Centre, or directly at odaoutreach@gmail.com

Tel: 01547 528753
Email: oda@offasdyke.org.uk
Email: odaoutreach@gmail.com (Ian Mackey)
Email: offasdykeyac@gmail.com

Post: Information Officer
Offa’s Dyke Association
West Street
Powys. LD7 1EN.

Our Twitter and Instagram feeds:

[instagram-feed user=”offasdykeoutreach”]
