Hello and welcome to the Offa’s Dyke Association Outreach home page.

We work in conjunction with the Offa’s Dyke Path National Trails officer, schools local to Offa’s Dyke, walking groups, activity groups and our project volunteers – read more about us.
If you would like to get in touch about a school or group visit (to Offa’s Dyke Centre or from the Outreach officer) or resources for young folks, please complete this (google) form – there is also a form on the page “About us“. In the meantime, please do look at the resources page and discussion forum area.
Please encourage all not to walk on the dykes (Offa’s and Wat’s) but do take photographs, make sketches, admire them and note where you are and what you see.
You can submit your photographs or pictures here (goes to a google form).
You can follow us (Offa’s Dyke Association Outreach) onÂ
X [ formerley Twitter ] (@ODA_outreach),
Facebook – ODAOutreach
Instagram – offasdykeoutreach
or contact us directly (or on Microsoft Teams)